The following is a list of all known Trojan Horses. To find out what a Trojan Horse really is, see the chapter "Introduction to the Virus and Trojan Horse" Font Finder Before the trigger date, February 10, 1990, this application would display fonts and point sizes located in the System file under System 6. On or after the date this trojan horse destroys directories of all currently mounted volumes, thus destroying all your data. MOSAIC This will mount all available SCSI hard drives and destroy the directories, rendering them useless and then renames the disks to "Gotcha" STEROID Claims to install an extension (INIT under System 6) that increases Quicktime performance on Macs with nine inch screens. What it did instead was to destroy data on all available hard disks. Unnamed Postscript Hack For those who don't know, Postscript is the 'programming language' of most laser printers. Its the raw data your Macintosh sends to the printer to tell it what should be on the paper. Apparently, this 'hack' renders your printer useless and requires the replacement of a chip on the printer logic board. Tetricycle or Tetris–Rotating Claims to be a game, but instead installs the MBDF virus (see chapter "Virus Listing" for description of the MBDF virus) onto your system. ChinaT Claims to be an extension (INIT under System 6) that can produce an oriental voice through MacinTalk. Has nothing to do with MacinTalk though, it erases all available hard disks. CPro 1.41 Claims to be a new version of Compact Pro (1.41). This is not, in fact an upgrade though. It'll erase the start-up volume and any disk inserted in drive one. It contains a 312k snd resource called "Log Jingle" Please note, Compact Pro is a legitiment file compression program that is very popular in the Macintosh world. Only an application masquerading as Compact Pro version 1.41 is the trojan horses. All other versions are known to be the legit Compact Pro compression software. The newest version is Compact Pro 1.5. NVP Trojan Horse This was a practical joke that has resurfaced as a Trojan horse. The NVP Trojan horse, which can affect any Mac running System 7, installs itself by modifying an active System file. Once installed, NVP disables the vowel keys on the user's keyboard. The Trojan horse is based on a legitimate extension called NVwls (No Vowels), which was designed and distributed as a joke. The name and icon were changed to that of another utility by someone other than the developer who created the original extension.